How Healthy is Your Marketing Program?

The publishing landscape is becoming increasingly crowded and competitive.  In this environment, a healthy marketing function is essential. Brands battle for authors. Societies strive to attract new members. Management seeks efficient spending and strong returns on investment. New digital and social media opportunities beckon. Are you ready?

Just as a doctor considers different data points in diagnosing the health of a patient, many variables determine the effectiveness of a publisher’s marketing program. A full and impartial analysis can provide valuable insights to help publishers maximize their marketing spend. 

To help, Caldera Publishing Solutions is pleased to announce a 30-day Marketing Effectiveness Assessment to assist publishers and their marketing teams.

While many factors play into what makes one brand or product more successful than another, marketing is the nexus for these factors. To succeed, you need information on customer awareness, engagement, and experience to fully evaluate the power of your brand.  You also need to consider what you are measuring and how you are using the information you are gathering. Marketing efficiency and effectiveness – for site licensing, for individual members and subscribers, for social media marketing, SEO and SEM, and other factors – also needs to be assessed.

Our Marketing Effectiveness Assessment will quickly, and with one flat fee, evaluate your:

  1. Brand Power—the perceived strength and consistency of your brand; strength of the value proposition presented in all communications
  2. Market Planning—is a formal planning process/cycle in place?  Is planning tactically focused, or strategic?
  3. Marketing Structure and Roles—what is marketing accountable for?  What skillsets are in-house and/or handled by outside vendors?
  4. Customer Experience—what is it like for a customer to engage with your brand via your website, customer service, social media, and other channels?
  5. Customer Engagement--what is your marketing mix; how are you engaging your audience?
  6. Sales Enablement—what tools, messaging, and communications are you providing?
  7. Metrics and Analytics—what are you measuring and how are using these metrics?

As part of this systematic evaluation of the individual components that drive marketing success, we will also make clear recommendations for improving your marketing programs, including efficiency of spend, brand positioning, and market engagement. 

Improving your marketing program empowers your organization to identify and focus on areas of particular strength or weakness in its efforts to retain and expand its audience. 

Contact us to learn more about this offering: